Contest !! Desh Ko Hai Bharosa Anthem By Sachin Tendulkar

Contest !! Desh Ko Hai Bharosa Anthem By Sachin Tendulkar

Make history together with the legend. Help create the Luminous Desh Ko Hai Bharosa Anthem for Team India along with Sachin. Comment using Desh Ko Hai Bharosa and the best ones will be included in the Luminous Anthem

Use our Facbook page or Twitter handle to tell us why you have the bharosa on Luminous. 
We will pick the most interesting tweets to create a anthem for Luminous to be unveiled 
during the World Cup.

How does this work?

Send in your tweets using #DeshKoHaiBharosa

You could also comment on our Facebook Page

A panel of experts will select tweets or comments that describe the similarities
or characteristics of Luminous and Team India

These Tweets or comments will then be used to create lyrics
for the Luminous anthem

The anthem will be unveiled during the World Cup

All people who contributed to the lyrics will be credited

Participate To Win Visit Here :

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