The LimeRoad Cosmopolitan Style Hunt Contest

The LimeRoad Cosmopolitan Style Hunt Contest

Style Hunt Contest

Nandini Bhalla and LimeRoad are looking for India's best stylists. Create a Look & Get featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine. Share All Online Contest. 

How To Enter
Click on Paintbrush icon on the App or Create Scrapbook on your computer.
Create your best look on any Cosmopolitan Template or on a Blank Template.
Tag your look #LimeRoadCosmopolitanStyleHunt and save it.
Contest ends at midnight,10th July.
Winning looks will get featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine's August issue and will get Rs. 2500 to shop on LimeRoad!

If you can style a great look, Cosmopolitan India and LimeRoad are looking for you! Participate in the ‪#‎LimeRoadCosmopolitanStyleHunt‬ by following these easy steps: 
1. Go to the Click Here
2. Create a look on any Cosmopolitan Template
3. Tag your winning look #LimeRoadCosmopolitanStyleHunt and share it on Facebook/Instagram.
4. Contest closes at midnight on Sunday, 10th July.
Cosmo Editor Nandini Bhalla & LimeRoad will be selecting 5 winners who'll be featured in the August Issue of Cosmopolitan India!

Enter Now
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