Contest !! Download & Win Nokia Lumia 630 Everyweek T-shirt & Gift Voucher Everyday !! HealthKart

Contest !! Download & Win Nokia Lumia 630 Everyweek T-shirt & Gift Voucher Everyday !! HealthKart
Download & Win
We turned 2. So we thought of celebrating this with you. We have lots of goodies in store. Just download our mobile app & stand a chance to win aNOKIA LUMIA 630, HealthKartPlus t-shirtandgift vouchers worth Rs. 250from HealthKart.
nokia lumiaT-shirtcoupon

Download And Win 

Contest 2 : Like & Comment Win T-shirt And Gift Vouchers
1. Like our post (share if you love us a wee-bit extra)
2. Share the best bday wish for us in the comments

And you can win a HK Plus T-shirt or a Healthkart voucher worth Rs. 200.
We are giving away 100 t-shirts and 50 vouchers- our way of celebration. 

Terms and Conditions:
1. Contest ends today midnight
2. Winner will be picked every hour & announced accordingly
2. T-shirt size and colour are subject to availability
3. Vouchers will be inboxed to the winners, first week of September

Participate To Win Visit Here : 

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