Contest !! Cheer India To Mars Show Your Love For Mom Win Exclusive Prizes !! ISRO - Indian Space Research Organisation

Contest !! Cheer India To Mars Show Your Love For Mom Win Exclusive Prizes !! ISRO - Indian Space Research Organisation

Cheer India to Mars! Day 4

We present to you a unique opportunity to be a part of ISRO’s Mars Orbiter Mission. 

Unleash your creativity and showcase your original thoughts and understanding about MOM in the form of text, infographics, video etc and you could walk away with exclusive ISRO collectibles!

How to Win

1. Rush in your entry before 10 AM tomorrow. (23/Sep/2014)
2. Post your entries as comments under this announcement post on ISRO - Indian Space Research Organisation
3. Number of likes and comments on your entry is a major criterion for selection. 
4. Exclusive ISRO collectibles will be posted to the winners. 
5. Open to Indian nationals only.
6. Decision of admin will be final and binding.

Participate To Win visit Here :

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