Contest !! Rack up The 6s & 4s On Social Media Win An iPhone 6 And iPad Minis !! Castrol Activ

Contest !! Rack up The 6s & 4s On Social Media Win An iPhone 6 And iPad Minis !! Castrol Activ

Presenting Castrol Activ Champion, a Social Loyalty Programme to find Castrol Cricket’s most loyal fans.

Stand a chance to win an iPhone 6 and much more!  Register

Castrol Activ Scoring System :

Like – 1 run (Capped at 50 likes a day)
Comment – 2 runs (Capped at 25 comments a day)

Tweet (tag @castrolcricket + use our hashtag) – 1 run (Capped at 50 tweets a day)
Retweet (Castrol Tweet) – 1 run (Capped at 50 RT's a day)

Tag @castrolcricket – 4 run (Capped at 50 posts a day)
Like – 1 run (Capped at 50 likes a day)
Comment – 2 runs (Capped at 25 comments a day)

Filling out survey – 6 runs (Only Once)
Sharing Product Unique Code – 25 runs
(Max. 4 codes a month = max. 100 runs a month)

Participate To Win Visit Here :

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