Contest !! And The Love Blooms Valentine's Day Win Luxury Buffet Coupon
Contest !! And The Love Blooms Valentine's Day Win Luxury Buffet Coupon
Hi Guys
There is a whiff of romance all around and fns international gift's it's fans yet another chance to celebrate their valentine in a perfect romantic escapade.
Just participate in "And Love Blooms" contest and gift yourself a Lavish Fine dine treat for just both of you.
How To Participate
1) “Like” and "Share" the Facebook page of FnS International.
2) Submit a most memorable romantic couple snap (girlfriend, boyfriend, fiancee, wife,husband )
3) Mention the place and just give a caption to your submission
4) Submitted couple image should have an authentic Facebook profile and should be submitted by either of the couple who has a profile on Facebook
4) Ask your friends to like and comment on your entries.
5) Share your entry on FNS Facebook page timeline and your wall
6) The participants have to post their entries on fns timeline (Participants sending their answers via Messages or Posting on the comments will be disqualified. Participants answering after the Deadline as stated below will not be considered eligible)
7) Overall 6 winners with the most romantic posts will be announced at the end of contest
8) Every participant is eligible to post once only. Multiple entries will let the participant to be disqualified
Note : Date: 27rd January 2015 to 8th February 2015
Number of Winners: 6
Time of Winner Announcement: At the end of contest
Participate To Win Visit Here :