Mother's Day Blogger Contest Win Prize upto Rs 5 lakhs
Mother's Day Blogger Contest Win Prize upto Rs 5 lakhs
A while back we asked 5 mothers from different parts of the country to comment on what Mother’s Day means to them. Surprisingly, they were unanimous in feeling that they would rather have the same love and attention everyday instead of making a ceremony on one day of the year. Yes, ‘Every Day is Mother’s Day’ and we are sure you have a lot to say on the subject too. Give voice to your feelings with the Mother’s Day Blogger Contest by. Tell us how Every day is Mother’s Day for you. It could be the little gestures that your spouse or children do everyday - a hug, a smile, a simple touch or unexpected bit of help that overwhelms you. Every Day Is Mothers DayYour own mother’s little quirks or mannerisms that you can’t get enough of! #EveryDayIsMothersDayYour Mum’s signature recipes that have made their place in your kitchen and keep her in your heart every day.
#EveryDayIsMothersDayThe simple joys of mothering, the wisdom which comes from somewhere, the inner voice that guides your parenting #EveryDayIsMothersDayThe days of confusion, chaos and exhaustion; days when you don’t know if you are coming or going ….or is that everyday? #EveryDayIsMothersDayYour experiences and your words can win you some super goodies too - Prizes worth Rs. 500,000 are up for grabs. Just make sure you send in your entry (or entries) on or before the 10th of May, 2015 by midnight. Rules:1. Multiple entries are allowed. Every article is an individual entry and will not be combined for the contest.2. Must use #EveryDayIsMothersDay and #MothersDay in the article. It could be just a mention at the end of the article to let us know that your article is a contest entry3. Prizes will be given to the Top 50 participants. One prize will be given per blogger based on Individual article page views, in case of multiple entries.4. Grand prizes to be won by the Top 10 Blog Posts based on Individual article page views.5. Top 3 Blog Posts to be decided by editorial team based on the page views, content and originality.6. Strict action will be taken against plagiarism. Blog entries with content copied from any source online or in print, will be barred from the contest.7. Total number of page views as on 12 am - 16th May 2015 will be applicable.8. Participants can share their entries on their social media pages along with the chosen hashtags (#EveryDayIsMothersDay, #MothersDay) and tag to increase their page views.9. Only a blog post published at between 1st May to 10th May, 2015 will be applicable for the contest
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