Contest !! Snapdeal Electronics Sale Every Hours Win Micromax Canvas Spark Phone & Exciting Electronics item

Contest !! Snapdeal Electronics Sale Every Hours Win Micromax Canvas Spark Phone & Exciting Electronics item

Contest Official Page : Snapdeal

There is no participation fee required for participating in the Contest. Any person who fulfils the eligibility criteria and follows Snapdeal’s official Twitter channel can participate in the Contest by following two rounds –

Round 1 – 5 questions will be asked from the participants, out of which the participant may answer one or all of the 5 questions correctly with the hashtag #SnapdealElectronicsSale. The participants need to RT the contest questions. The contest’s Round 1 begins at 12:00 Hrs Indian Standard Time (IST) on July 27th, 2015 and ends at 18:00 Hrs Indian Standard Time (IST), 27th July 2015.
Round 2 – Hints will be given to the participants to guess what’s in the box. The participants may choose to guess the answer of all the hints or one hint correctly with the hashtag #SnapdealElectronicsSale. The participants need to RT the contest hints. The contest’s Round 2 begins at 10:00 Hrs Indian Standard Time (IST) on July 28th, 2015 and ends at 18:00 Hrs Indian Standard Time (IST), 28th July 2015.
By answering the question(s), the participant is deemed to have given his/her consents to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Contest.

In round 1, we would be announcing 5 lucky winners who will win a Micromax Canvas Spark phone after the contest ends on 27th July 2015. In all there will be a total of 5 winners.

In Round 2, 18 lucky winners will get exciting electronics. Participants can take part in both the rounds.

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