Contest !! Sunburn Fan Art Win Cash Prize Worth Rs 10000

Contest !! Sunburn Fan Art Win Cash Prize Worth Rs 10000

Contest Official Page : Banana Bandy
Inaugurated in 2007, it is a place where the synergy of the music attracts audiences from every nook and corner of the globe. It has set a new bar for “Arena gigs” and entertained lakhs of people. It highlights India as a dance festival destination to the world and is the hottest dance music property in Asia!
Any guesses for what we’re talking about?
That’s right; is collaborating with none other than the SUNBURN Festival, India's largest market network for creatives and Sunburn are collaborating to create an awesome contest for you!
All you need to do to participate is create awesome Sunburn fanart, upload it on BananaBandy and share it(via our share button) on Facebook with ‪#‎SunburnFanArt‬. Your artwork can be anything related to Sunburn and/or it's artists!
Please note : You must add #SunburnFanArt under the "tags" while uploading on BananaBandy & also share it on Facebook with #SunburnFanArt to be considered a valid entry.
The best project will win a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 from us and even get featured on official Sunburn social media accounts! Entries will be taken till the end of the month.
So what are you waiting for?
Let the easel meet EDM!

Participate To Win Visit Here

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