Take Survey And 10 Winner Every Day Win Free Shopping Voucher Worth Rs 1000

Take Survey And 10 Winner Every Day Win Free Shopping Voucher Worth Rs 1000

Take Survey And 10 Winner Every Day Win Free Shopping Voucher Worth Rs 1000

Offer Official Page : India College Search
Common Admission Test (CAT) is the most sought after MBA entrance exam in India. It is conducted by the Indian Institutes of Management as a pre-requisite for admission to the post graduate and fellow programmes in management offered by the premier institutes. Apart from the IIMs, over 100 B-schools accept CAT scores to carry out their admissions.

After the declaration of CAT result, all the eligible candidates are required to appear for Written Aptitude Test (WAT), Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI). The IIMs shortlist candidates for the final selction on the basis of WAT, GD and PI.
Are you a CAT aspirant? 

If yes, take a 5-question survey and you could be one of the lucky 10 winners to be announced every day!

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