Rose Day Contest Win Exciting Prizes

Rose Day Contest Win Exciting Prizes

Rose Day eGreeting Contest

Want to Gift Your Valentine? Just Participate Online Contest From Lucky Star Apps !! This Lucky Star apps given you chance win free valentine gift on this rose day simply rules to play this contest. Personalize an eGreeting this Rose Day! Simply select the colour of the rose and the name of the person to whom you would like to send E.g. Send a Red Rose to (Julie) We have started Facebook contest (Including Instagram) for Lucky Stars App on 7th February 2017. Personalise an eGreeting this Rose Day! Simply select the colour of the rose and the name of the person to whom you would like to send.

How to participate 
1. User must Comment in the Post (Lucky Stars App Rose Day post) itself to be a part of it.
2. 3 types of Roses will be shown.
4.  Red Rose (Signifies Love)
5. Pink Rose (gratitude and appreciation)
6. Yellow Rose (Friendship) 
7. User can select all 3 roses, but names provided should be for 1 rose each. X person for Red, Y person for Pink & Z person for yellow.

Participate Now To Win
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